WAS & VUCC Card Checking

WAS & VUCC Card Checking

Worked All States Award (WAS)

If you have QSL cards confirming contacts from all 50 states(the District of Columbia counts as MD), bring your cards and proof of current ARRL membership to apply for the Worked All States Award. The basic award fee is $10.00 for each WAS certificate or $15 for each WAS certificate and pin, and the endorsement fee is $7.50. (Endorsements claimed with the initial award are included in the $10.00 initial fee). Get the Adobe PDF application form from the ARRL Worked All States Award (WAS) page.

VHF / UHF Century Club Award (VUCC)

If you have confirmed contacts from at least 100 different grid squares, bring your cards and proof of current ARRL membership to apply for the VHF/UHF Century Club Award. The basic award fee is $10 (certificate and pin), and the endorsement fee is $10. The Adobe PDF application form may be downloaded from the ARRL VHF/UHF Century Club (VUCC) page.

If you intend to apply for either of these awards at the Hamfest, or if you have any questions, please email either ARRL Awards Manager in advance:

Mark Cranford, N5XXD


Sara Gail Cranford, N5ZMP

We will be available from 8 am until noon.